beating breast cancer with confidence, strength, style, and humor

In Dec 2019, I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma, triple negative breast cancer at the age of 41. I live in the Houston area with my husband (Theo), college-aged son (Dahki) and tween daughter (Sydney).
And I am pretty(sic)?
Pretty denotes beauty. But when it comes to cancer, Strength is the new beauty. Strength comes in multiple forms .. physical, mental, and spiritual. All types are required to fight the monster we know as Breast Cancer.
“Sic” is a play on the word “sick”, denoting the disease itself. It is also a bracketed expression used to indicate that the preceding quoted material is intended to be read or printed exactly as shown and should not be corrected. In fact, when found in a French document, (sic) stands for "Sans Intention Comique" (without comic intention) meaning that even if the preceding text could be understood as funny, it was not meant to be.
I am beautiful and I am physically, mentally, and spiritually equipped to fight this beast!
It’s not a joke, I meant exactly what I said!
As you read my blog, I pray that a sense of empowerment shines through, as my goal is to tackle this monster with confidence, strength, style, and humor.
Welcome to my journey!
♥️ T