Seriously! Who does that?!?!
This is a short one, but I have to tell y’all something. So, I had a second opinion scheduled with Hospital B on Dec 30. Organizing these appointments takes a LOT of work. (I guess that’s why they gave me that ugly ass cancer briefcase.) Because it’s cancer, you already feel like every second is another one off the clock. So forgive me, if I feel a bit hasty to get these appointments scheduled and to ensure that they have all the information that they need for me to have a productive appointment when I arrive. Maybe it’s my Engineering/Project Manager background or maybe it because MY FREAKING LIFE IS ON THE LINE here. So I call the Second Opinion’s office today (Dec 26) to ensure that everything is set. And very casually, I am told “oh yes, we’ve been meaning to call you. Dr. A decided to close her office for the week. The next available appt we have is Jan 10”. Are you kidding me?!?! Lady, I don’t have a damn cold. I have cancer. I’m not waiting three more weeks for a second opinion!
When I hung up that phone, I felt lost. It’s Christmas vacation. No one has any appointments. Everyone is telling me that they can see me in mid January. Clearly I’m not in control, but I’ve never felt more helpless. So I do what I know how to do during these times, I pray. For understanding .. what am I not seeing. For forgiveness .. if I know that He is handling this, why am I lashing out? Do I fully trust they He has it? For peace of mind .. Lord, let your will be done. I have exhausted every option. I don’t know how to do anything else but wait on you.
The funny thing about God is this … when you pray specifically, He will answer you. It may not be in your time, but it will be on time. You see, what had happened was (sic), that cancelled second opinion appointment that I was angry about made room for some other appointments that I needed to have. And that request for a Second Opinion from “the Cancer Experts” was now feasible because of a rare cancellation on their end. Now look at God!