A whole new world
No more binders.
No more nutritional supplements.
No more post surgical bras.
No more pillow forts and recliners.
No more post-op appointments.
The “future” that I spoke about weeks ago is finally upon me.
Enter .. sleeping on my side.
Enter .. snuggling in bed with my hubby.
Enter .. raising my hands above my head.
Enter .. normal bras.
Enter .. exercise.
is that someone singing “A whole new world.
It seemed like it was just last week when I last seen him. But no, I actually hadn’t seen him in 4 weeks. Dr. Shuck was busier than ever. His calendar was packed with patients trying to be seen before the restart of their benefits in January. I’d already known that my appointment would go well. I’d been healing well; PT was going ok, and my incisions were nice and tidy. Actually, he called me Wolverine because I’d healed so well. (More on the effects of that scar therapy in a future post! That stuff is magic sauce!)
As a result, I was not surprised when he released me to re-enter the world. I plan to take some vacation before returning to work in the new year. And before you say it … what I’ve been doing is NOT vacation. Not working is not the same as vacation! I need a change of scenery. Some time to relax, relate, release. Where I am not waiting for the next medical appointment. A change of scenery is desperately needed.
These days, I’ve been working on various projects around the house .. mainly closet reorganization. I’m embarrassed to say that the people in the Container Store know me by name 😬. I figure it was a good time to throw out the old and make space for the new that’s surely coming once I get rid of these extra pounds.
Speaking of decluttering, I’ve also boxed up everything that I’ve used to get me through this journey. While these things were awesome during my time of need, I don’t plan to use breast pillows, drain management belts, and the like in the future. You know how you save stuff just in case .. Nah, not doing that. I’m not claiming “just in case” at all! So, out they go. I’ll donate them to someone else who may need them during her trial.
But I must admit. I’m not ready to get rid of the recliner just yet. It’s so comfy and Its weird because I have never been a “recliner” girl. But I’ll donate this too by the end of the year. Promise. This chair can not and will not go into the New Year with me. It is not a part of the Tova 2.0 rebuild!
I can’t believe it’s already December. This year has simultaneously been slow as hell and lightning speed fast! And December will be a very busy month. With Christmas and Sydney’s birthday, in addition to a few medical appointments, the new year will be here before I know it. Oh but, I’m ready. I’m not rushing it, but I am ready for whatever each day brings me. Onward!
❤️ T
p.s. I literally just starting singing the lyrics to Aladdin’s A whole new world .. 😝
🎶A whole new world
A hundred thousand things to see
I'm like a shooting star, I've come so far
I can't go back to where I used to be
A whole new world
With new horizons to pursue
I'll chase them anywhere
There's time to spare
Let me share this whole new world with you 🎶
“You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one ”