Always make the best of it
Another one bites the dust.. well, another month that is. And just like that, a whole quarter is behind me. 🙌🏾
Last month, I celebrated the end of two months of chemo at the spa. It had become my routine .. my mini-victory lap. I never imagined that life would be so different just a month later. So here I am on March 30 (my fabulous mom’s birthday by the way), thinking to myself … How am I going to mark the end of another month? I can’t go to the spa. I can’t go anywhere for that matter! (just like the rest of America). So I decided to throw myself a party. I searched through remnants of a million parties past to see what I had in stock. Remember, It’s not like I can just go out to the party supply store, or even order from Amazon for that matter. And I had fewer than 24 hours to bring this idea to fruition. After emptying my party supply and craft cabinets, I had a plan! I would have a Quaran-tea Party to celebrate the momentous occasion. And I’d invite Sydney to join in on the fun. When I shared my idea with her, she promptly advised that she would not be able to attend unless she received a formal invitation .. because that’s what you do when you are hosting a tea party, right? Honestly, I don’t know where she gets this stuff from 😬. So an invitation was created ….
Next it was time to curate a menu for the tea party. This was kind of tricky in a pandemic environment. I had to be sure not to use all of our Corona snacks 😜. The table was decorated and voila .. Tea party on deck ..
Of course, we dressed for the occasion. I’ve heard that Corona themed loungewear is generally frowned upon at tea parties. And what’s a party without a photo shoot !?!?
The quaran-tea party turned out to be a hit! And we were able to maintain social distancing requirements and all. I will always remember how I celebrated the end of the “middle’” of my chemo journey.
Look guys, the point of all of this is not to showcase a tea party. Instead, the true lesson is actually quite simple. We have the power to change how we feel about the hand that we’ve been dealt. Sure, I could complain about not being able to go to the spa and feel sorry for myself about being stuck (or SAFE) in the house during the pandemic. OR I could use the resources that I have to make the best of the situation that I am in. I choose the latter .. in EVERY situation. This journey has taught me that you can either fight with a smile, or grumble and complain. Chances are that the last option won’t do much to improve your situation. But I promise you that faith, positivity, and a smile will go a very long way!
“The happiest people don’t have the best of everything, instead they make the best of everything”