It’s Thursday! So y’all know what that means. Update!! Update!!
So, I had another follow up appointment with Dr. Shuck today. My chauffeur got me there safely. The weather was even nice enough to drive to the hospital with the top down.
Me and the hubs. Rising around and getting it. 🤣
As we rode to the hospital, I anticipated having my drains removed today. No, let’s be honest … I feverishly prayed to have my drains removed today. They are so flipping annoying. They’re itchy and yucky and just a plain drag. And the awful task of emptying and measuring the contents have been transferred to me. Yes, I’ve graduated and Theo no longer changes my drains. YUCK! Seriously, my gag reflex was on HIGH the first time I did it. But I will spare you the details.
So you can imagine how ecstatic I was when I learned that he would be removing them today. I’d been complaining to LT last week and she quickly reminded me that I could probably get through a few weeks of annoying drains if I managed five months of chemo. Ok ok, perspective is everything. She’s probably right. But, still …
After he removed my drains, there was another surprise. I would be getting fluid in my expanders as well! Yay! The nurse prepared the tools to be used and I waited for Dr Shuck to get started.
Scalpel check .. well maybe not a scalpel
Dr. Shuck explained the process, and warned that it could hurt a bit IF I had sensation in my breast. As a reminder, after the mastectomy, the nerves try to repair themselves. If this happens, sensation can be restored. So I’m sitting thinking .. “wow, catch 22. I want to have sensation in my breasts but I don’t necessarily want to feel the pain of a needle or discomfort from the pressure of expansion.” What do you pray for in this situation?!?! Lol. Welp, wouldn’t you know it … I had sensation in one breast and didn’t feel anything in the other. I couldn’t decide which option I preferred today, so I got both. 😂 And it really didn’t hurt much at all.
Getting expanded .. not knowing what to expect
When Dr. Shuck was all done, I thought to myself .. well, that was quick. We talked about the risk of infection and what I should be on the lookout for. We agreed to meet again next week, and that was a wrap.
On the ride home, I was incredibly happy. I could only think about how productive my appointment had been. Last week, I was nursing a minor skin casualty with antibiotic cream, and I didn’t know whether Dr. Shuck would proceed with expansion today. And look at me now .. No more drains AND we’ve begun expansion. Progress!
But then .. we pulled into the drive way and another thought emerged …
Since I don’t need to wear post mastectomy pjs to manage my drains, I guess I should start wearing normal clothes again. 😕
Felt good enough to put on brows 😉