And then there were four …
FOUR down! Whoop whoop! 🎉🎉🎉 that loud noise you hear … that’s me jumping up and down cheering on my couch .. all the way in Texas! (Well maybe not jumping up and down, I’m tired just thinking of doing that.) Not only am I four treatments down, but I’m also finished with the first cycle of my overall treatment plan. No more A or C (Adriamycin and cyclophosphamide) in my AC-T regimen. As my infusion nurse said today, “Bye Felicia!”
But it wasn’t all rainbows and sunshine when I woke up this morning. Instead, I awoke to heavy rain falling outside my window, saw no sun as it was cloudy and dreary, and laid there feeling pretty blahhh as a result of it all. After a few minutes, I jumped up in a “Not today Satan” moment. There was no way I was going to have anything but victory TODAY! I would not allow anything or anyone to steal my joy. With that said, there was no time to allow the bipolar weather that we are seeing in Houston to suppress my spirit! So I DECIDED to be happy, to smile, to sing out loud as this was another day on the journey of the gift of liFe that I’d claimed way back in December.
As I got ready for the day, I read through all of my chemo day well wishes. Have you ever had a really strong feeling or thought and turned on the radio and a song was playing that just matched your mood completely?!?! That’s exactly what happened to me this morning! As I read through my messages, one of them had me stuck! It was from my good friend Shavonne. She is a great listener, people connector, and prayer warrior! Often, she forwards songs, scriptures, and brief motivators that get me going! And today was no different! Check out the very short clip below. I promise it will change your life, and at the least uplift your mood!
Here’s Shavonne.. I popped at her house on a walk one day.. She claimed she wasn’t camera ready for the blog 😂
Hours later, we arrived at the hospital to begin today’s festivities. Same drill. Labs .. Doctor’s appt .. My appointment with Dr. Shahin ran a little long today. In addition to the normal topics, we spent quite a bit of time discussing the potential clinical trial that is being offered in ADDITION TO the standard of care treatment that I would be getting during the second cycle. We asked a bunch of questions and left with some reading material to help guide my decision. (See 3rd Treatment post for context). Dr. Shahin confirmed that lab results continue to look good. Yay! He asked about my side effects. “All the same Dr. Shahin. BUT it did take me an extra day or two to get better last cycle.” He told me that I should not use that as a baseline for how my body will respond to future treatments. Well that’s good news, because I was shooting for that 2 day climb that I experienced on the first two treatments anyway! Who has a sample of 3, and chooses the worst data point as the new baseline?!?! Not THIS girl! Immediately I called foul ball! Outlier! Furthermore, regardless of the duration, I can handle it. He’s got me and I’ve got this! And I am prepared to be still for a few days to receive the glory in the long run. My champ Yvette reminded me of this earlier this week via text. She wrote:
“THANK ME for the conditions that are requiring you to be still. D on to spoil these quiet hours by wishing them away, waiting impatiently to be active again. Some of the greatest works in My kingdom have been done from sickbeds and prison cells. Instead of resenting the limitations of. a weakened body, search for MY way in the midst of these very circumstances. Limitations can be liberating when your strongest desire is living close to ME.
Quietness and trust enhance your awareness of MY presence with you. Do not despise these simple ways of serving me. Although you may feel cut off from the activity of the world, your quiet trust makes a powerful statement in spiritual realms. My strength and power show themselves most effective in weakness. ”
Before I returned to the infusion center, Dr. Shahin also scheduled my second treatment response ultrasound prior to starting the second cycle. Soooo excited to see how small this little mutant is now!
Even the longest experience gets a sort of rhythm to it after awhile. In no time at all, it was 5pm and the fourth treatment was done. BUT not before my cousin Shonta decided to turn my infusion suite into her personal office!!?! I mean, really chic? 🙄🤣
On the way home from chemo, I decided to check in with my village. I must have had the biggest smile on my face when I saw this photo posted on Facebook. It’s my friend’s Cliff’s daughter. She is wearing his t-shirt (or maybe He and B decided that they were gonna get her shirt a few sizes too big so that she could “grow into it” 🤣) .
Emilia is #teamtova 💗
Once home, I walked past a few bouquets of flowers and candy boxes on the counter and instantly felt blessed, thankful, and altruistic… in that order. I am a firm believer that actions speak louder than words. I don’t have a trust fund but I have a big heart with a lot of passion and energy. I want to use my gifts to give a gift .. the gifts of kindness and support. If you missed the last post (What’s your why), I have committed to create a foundation to support young women on a similar journey. Check it out!
Well folks, today was a great day. I got to kick it with my cousin a bit. But now I am off to the hospital to get the shot that simultaneously helps to protect me from getting sick by boosting my immune system and puts me in hibernation mode for a few days. Appreciate all of your thoughts, prayers, and messages in the meantime. Take care of yourselves and do something fun this weekend. Get out and experience life . Love ya ♥️