

I started physical therapy today. And I am happy to have some confirmation that I am not crazy! (Well not because of this any. We are all a little crazy right?)

I’m having a little trouble getting around. I don’t need a wheelchair but it’s also not as easy as it used to be. “Girl if you don’t sit down some where.” I can not count the number of times that I’ve heard those words after my many complaints. But I do not want to sit down.

I 👏🏽 am 👏🏽tired 👏🏽of 👏🏽sitting 👏🏽down.

And I am also tired of walking around sounding like someone who has never used a muscle a day in her life. The pain. The moans. The groans. The grunts. I’d had enough of it. And since my Oncologist rejected my personal diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis 🤣, off to PT I went. 

Now, you and I are two different people. We may like different things. And that’s ok. Maybe you wouldn’t have been bouncing around like a kid in a candy store upon entering the PT facility, but baby!! This is the closest I’ve been to the gym since February or March. I was invigorated just by being in the space alone. 

After two dozen or so baseline tests, I was given a list of exercises to complete at home daily and sent on my way until Thursday. Twice a week I will have physical therapy. My goal before surgery is to recover as much range of motion in my arms and shoulders and work on strengthening my lower body. It seems that I will be down for a bit after the next surgery.  I don’t want to continue down this spiraling road. Soon I will be a sack of jello.

Now everyone doesn’t need PT after chemo but I do. I don’t like the way I feel and I don’t want to “wait it out”.

Listen, your journey (whatever you are going through) is different than the next person’s journey. Stop comparing yourself to other people. And if you need some help, GO GET SOME HELP. We are not meant to struggle. Use your resources!

Thank me later. But in the meantime ..

I am patient with my body.
I get stronger everyday.
I love my body.
I compare myself to no one. 
I appreciate my body.

I am pretty(strong)
I am pretty(sic)

❤️ T

To “be” or to “become” ..

To “be” or to “become” ..

🎶 What about your friends 🎶

🎶 What about your friends 🎶