And then this happened !!
Hey guys!! How are y’all doing out there in COVID-LAND?
Well, I’m doing alright.. A lot has happened since we last caught up.. Let me fill you in.
So I had another follow up appointment with Shuck today. I’d noticed that things were going in slow motion last week. So much so, that I didn’t think that we would continue with expansion today. When Eileen (Shuck’s nurse) checked me in, I told her that I didn’t think she needed to prepare any tools. Welp, turn out that I was right. Shuck took one look at my breast and confirmed that healing is not happening as quickly as he would like it to. Now, let’s be clear .. the majority of the breasts healed well, but there is that one little area that was traumatized (for lack of a better word), and that still hasn’t healed .. one month later. No Bueno! No healing, no expansion. No expansion, no reconstruction. Even though, elective surgeries are being restricted in Texas because some folks don’t know how to follow directions. (I’m not talking about y’all. I know you guys are staying indoors, and wearing masks, and practicing social distancing, 😉) Anyway, to sum it all up, Shuck is not comfortable that I am healing appropriately so he has extended my recovery period AND I’m being advised to rest, relax, and be cautious of any activity that might cause more stress on the area. Sounds like common sense right? Yep, but it’s more than common sense, It’s critical to me not having to go under the knife again to cut this traumatized skin out. Trauma that doesn’t heal .. leads to infection, and we can’t have that. Shuck says I have a 50/50 shot at it healing on its own or having to have surgery to remove it.
May the odds be forever in my favor.
On any other day, I would have been bummed after hearing that news. Shuck warned me not to worry. In any case, it will be fixed and I will get the results that I am supposed to get. In the meantime, more waiting waiting waiting. Oh yeah, back to why I am not bummed, So it seems that there were certain doctors that nominated me for a special recognition. Apparently, I’ve been a model patient with the type of attitude that they want all patients to have. Who would have thought that being yourself could get you acknowledgment? Well, as a result of this recognition, I was interviewed yesterday and had a little photoshoot today. Sounds great right? Yeah .. until you have only worn sweats and PJs since December and you are being asked to dress in jewel-tone clothing that is appropriate for a professional photo shoot !?! Talking about freaking out. My cousin, Shonta had to walk me off the ledge yesterday. But I figured it out. I think I pulled it off.
The marketing team planned to meet me after my appointment with Shuck, so I used his office as a dressing room. I warned him that I would in there for a while, but I am sure that he didn’t know that I literally transformed it into a dressing room. Way to be there when I needed it Shuck. 🤣

After I was done, I met Liza outside. Something told me to wear my flat shoes, but nooo. I had to have the full ensemble, having no idea where the shoot would take place, Y’all! We walked a country mile to the other side of the hospital for the shoot. Liza asked me twice if I was ok to walk. Lying (and dying on the inside) I told her, “No, I’m fine. I can manage”, knowing full well that those heels had expired 2 minutes into the walk. THIS is a problem. Prior to BC, I wore heels every day to work. I strutted around the campus and in the engineering office like nobody’s business.. and now I can’t make it 2 minutes.. No BUENO!
But as tired as my feet were, the pain miraculously disappeared when I saw the cameras. Game on! The photographer, Scott, and his assistant told me where to stand and told me which way the dominant light led, and that’s was all I needed. Lights Camera Action! This was the closest I’ve been to one of my girl’s trips where we executive produce (EP) each other’s photos. We literally have photo shoots every day.. Ahh, I miss my girls 😢 This calls for a stroll down memory lane ..
Ok where was I? Oh yeah, Houston Methodist photo-shoot…
15 minutes after we started, and it was all over. At the end of the shoot, Scott told me he had some really good shots. Secretly, I’d already known that because I asked him if I could see the photos to make sure my head wrap was ok.. (a little cancer sympathy request 🤣) Well, he wasn’t gonna refuse my request. So, I may have used that opportunity to check the photos that he had taken. Come one .. did you really think that I would leave having seen ZERO photos!?!?!
As I was heading home, I contemplated all the things I wanted to get through .. while resting of course. I think I mentioned that I wanted to start a company that would support women that were diagnosed with breast cancer. That was probably a few months ago. Well, boy does time fly. Since then, I have registered a trademark .. just waiting for a few minor administrative items before that task is complete. And TODAY, I filed registration documents for the formation of Prettysic with the state of Texas! 🎉🎉 I have lots of ideas and will share details on this year’s campaigns soon. I can’t wait for you guys to join me in supporting others that have been hit with the same trial that I had.
If you are on social media, please follow pretty(sic) on the following social media platforms:
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Facebook :
Once all of the legal stuff is behind me, I will communicate with you on those platforms as well.
Welp, I think you’re all caught up. Earlier this year, I was asking God to show me why I needed to go through this particular journey. And through my blog, interactions with Houston Methodist fam, and mentoring of others that have been diagnosed with breast cancer, I realized that my purpose is to support others through their journey as well.
To whom much is given, much is required .. right?. 😊
(Thanks to those that have offered your support.. If you are interested in joining #teamprettysic, please reach out to me and I will be happy to have you!)
This is what happens when you don’t wear makeup often. You end up walking around all day in pjs and a full face after your photo shoot. Lol.