4/23 The Best Day EVER
“Call us when you arrive, and then meet us at the entrance.” That’s what I was told during the call to pre-register me for Thursday’s appointment. So, I am sitting in this car preparing to make the walk across the parking lot to the Breast Center. I was also told to wear a mask if I have one. if not, they’d give one to me upon arrival. It seems strange to me that someone would come to the hospital without a mask (or some type of face covering), especially after a month of going through COVID. No need to worry about me. I certainly have a mask. As a matter of fact, I have so many that I coordinate them with my outfits. Times have definitely changed when face masks are the newest accessory. But I always opt for the hospital mask when I have an appointment.
May I introduce you to “Black Beauty” - the first of many wig friends.
So, today is my second treatment response ultrasound. I’m excited to see how much the little mutant has shrunken since my last visit to the Breast Center. Notice that I’ve already claimed this victory. I am expected nothing less than favor!
I get out of my car and walk towards the main entrance. Once I arrive at the door, I am stopped and screened. I answer No to each question, and receive an arm band and am cleared to be escorted to the Breast Center. It’s seems like a longer walk than usual. Maybe it’s because there are very few people walking around. it feels like it’s just me and the nurse in the whole hospital. She signals for me to turn left to reach the Breast Center. I smile, and let her know that I know the way. I’d been there more times than I could count. Embarrassed, she smiled and continues to escort me. She waves her hand to open the door, and then she was off. Once inside, I almost did not recognize the place. With all of the Social distancing measures in place, it seemed much larger than I recalled. There were very few chairs in the large waiting area, making the room feel twice its size. I was the only person in the waiting room. I announce myself at the glass window, and am asked to verify name and birthdate. I receive another arm band, and wait to be called.
A few minutes later, Andy calls me back. I almost didn't recognize her with the smile hiding behind her mask. We exchange greetings and move quickly to the ultrasound room. It’s funny how routine things have become. Before she can direct me to, I remove my top and am lying down awaiting the procedure. The gel is always warm, kind of soothing, kind of weird. Nonetheless, the sensation always prepares me for the procedure. Focusing on movements, sounds, facial expressions, I always try to play this game where I guess what Andy is thinking. But she is good.. really good. You can never tell. She exudes ZERO clue as to what she sees. I mean, that’s what she is supposed to do, right. But still, it’s always fun to guess. She finishes up, and heads out to show results to Dr. Sewell, my radiologist. After a few moments, they both enter the room. Dr. Sewell smiles a hidden smile that escapes the sides of her mask. She grabs the magic wand and begins her assessment. And then she looks at me and speaks words that play over and over in my head hours later … I don’t see any cancer. I only see the marker that I inserted in the tumor when I completed the biopsy in December. Her words did not compute. I needed to hear them again. Did she really just say that? Wait, maybe I am trippin. They are both looking at me, awaiting a response .. and all I could say was “What?” So she repeated the exact words. I don’t see any cancer. I only see the marker that I inserted in the tumor when I completed the biopsy in December. Now, this time I know I heard her. And the tears just starting pouring, drenching my face mask. Dr. Sewell asked when I was scheduled to have surgery. She would share the results with the other doctors on my team (Dr Shahin and Dr. Thalheimer); they would confer on next steps and I would follow up with Dr. Shahin next Monday, as originally scheduled. They shared in my happiness for a moment, and then left me alone to dress.
As soon as the door closes, I let out a scream. This is it. I knew He would do it. He said he would do it. But victory is here! This is the first step in the disclosure of God’s amazing grace. I grabbed my phone and pressed record. I needed to capture this moment. I wanted to hold on to the pure spirit of gratefulness that was flowing from my heart. After a few moments, I walked opened the door and Andy was waiting to walk me out, We celebrated down the hall, and air hugged.
It’s amazing how beautiful the day is (or becomes) when you receive such good news. I mean, the birds are chirping, the sun is shining, and I am walking on sunshine! I was almost run over by a little old lady pushing her husbands wheelchair. Didn’t matter.. not a care in the world. There was nothing that could blow this high.I drove home, anxious to share the news with the family. By the time I’d gotten home, I’d received a text from LT (my breast surgeon ,. you know we are really friends in my head. We are on a nickname basis 😂), telling me that Dr. Sewell had shared the news with her as well. She was so excited for me .. so sincere. And this my friends, is why I chose Houston Methodist! In addition to the professionalism and technical expertise, these are real people. It’s like I have a team of friends saving my life!
Let’s be clear. I was not at all surprised by today’s news. Maybe you could say that I was surprised by the timing of today’s news. I never questioned that I would be healed. As you know, I’ve stood on His promises from Day One. But the God I serve reminds me over and over again that He is on his own time.. not my time. And it is not for me to know the times or dates the Father has set by HIs own authority (Acts 1:7)
Friday afternoon, I got a call from Dr. Shahin’s nurse letting me know that I still needed to complete the last two treatments. I figured as much .. would have been nice to pass go and collect $200, but I understand that there is a need to finish up the treatment. Besides, there are just two more treatments.. I got this! When I hang up the phone, I smile to myself. I am happy, still so very happy and grateful for the good news that I received yesterday. There is a full weekend to enjoy before my next appointment on Monday. Time to celebrate!
♥️ T
Crabs and Bubbly courtesy of The Hubs