Can I eat now?
I am STARVING! Woke up starving, still starving at 12:42pm. Why you ask? Because I have a biopsy scheduled for 1pm. Well, a potential biopsy. I need an ultrasound first to ensure that they can get to it. It’s way in the back of the rib cage … it’s called an internal mammary node. Remember, I told you last week that Dr. S wanted to rule out one last area of concern and I wasn’t going to let it stress me out. Well this is it.
I swear I hear Theo snacking something over there …
After 45 minutes of modest torture, the radiologist couldn’t even find the node. It’s a micro node that looked somewhat enlarged during my prior CT. And today, they can’t even locate it. So, it hasn’t grown since the CT scan 2 weeks ago, or they’d be able to see it on the ultrasound today. As I’ve said, they go on pushing and rolling warm gel on my right breast for 45 min (get your mind out of the gutter, this is not that kind of blog) with the ultrasound wand trying to find this node. Finally, the radiologist concludes that he can not safely perform a biopsy of a node that they can not even locate on ultrasound. Well, first of all, I’m not surprised that you can’t find it because my God answers prayers and secondly .. can I eat? I think I mentioned that I was starving!
You see, this is why you shouldn’t stress about stuff that you can’t control. I could have been all worked up for 2 weeks .. thinking about this biopsy that I was scheduled to have today. When you pray, let it go. You can’t keep it and give it away at the same time. It’s not a cold.