Out in these streets ..
I was told to get out of the house today. Don’t go run a marathon, but go run an errand OUTSIDE of the house, he said. It’s 7 days after my initial chemo treatment, and I should have recovered from onset fatigue and my immune system should have just about recovered .. not fully, but enough that I am in that phase where I am not giving everyone that breathes funny the side eye 😒. In other words, I should be starting to feel better. He asked, “what time did you wake up this morning?” “9:30”, I responded. “Well what time do you usually wake up?”, he asked. “Ugh, 5:30ish”, I said with a twinge of a question. His response was classic … “Um, I think we should try to set an alarm for some time between 5:30 and 9:30.” In other words, get your ass up! Well my goodness! The shade of it all!!! Finally, he said “Tova, you can’t sleep through 5 months of chemo. There is a time to rest and there is a time to be active.” And apparently, at day 7, it is my time to be (lightly) active. Welp, doctor’s orders!
Ok, so Tova.. how do you REALLY feel? Are you tired? Do you need to rest more? Or can you move around a bit today? After talking to myself like this for about 10 minutes, I decide that I am going out.. Let’s see what this 75 degrees feels like on my skin. So, I go through my normal routine of getting primped and pressed, choreographed to some of my favs. I start with a little old school .. “Victory is mine” by Dorothy Norwood (One of my grandmother’s favorites .. Thanks Shonta) and mix a little “Say yes” by Michelle Williams into the mix.
Hmm.. so all dressed up and nowhere to go? What can I get into today? I’ve got it.. the movies. That’s sort of like an errand AND I get to relax as well. Now, the challenge will be to stay awake during the movie. I can take care of that by finding something funny to watch.. It’s settled!
“Aunnttieeeeeee”, we’re going to the movies!
If I didn’t mention before, I have an AMAZING support network. My aunt flew down here in early January to hang out with me for a month. She and my mom are playing tag through this journey. Sometimes I get them both, but today it’s just me and Aunt Ruthie. And a lunch date and a movie is the least that I can do to show my appreciation for all of her support. Ok, enough of the mushy stuff..
In the car, I am playing with my phone, as my aunt is driving us to the movies. I look over at her and instantly I burst into tears.. I can’t breathe. It’s not the first time I’ve seen this, but today, it’s sooo funny to me. It’s almost like I have a heightened sense of everything these days. Any opportunity for humor escapes me not (Swipe right)
My aunt is so cute.. I swear she has been driving with her seat that close to the steering wheel forever, but today… I just couldn’t contain myself. Wooh, that was a good one.
Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, we were on our way to collect the tickets and I started to send a text to Dahki. And the craziest thing happened. I typed the words “feeling alright” and the words were auto corrected to read “feeling already healed”. I swear y’all. I am NOT making this up. And I back spaced and tried to replicate it .. and nothing! I told my aunt, and she said that I could try as many times as I wanted to and it wouldn’t happen again. It was a one time message from God. Well, guess what! I receive it.. I don’t need to see it again. 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
After I collect the tickets, we still have plenty of time before the movie starts. I think I’m in the mood for a taco. Torchy’s it is! But not before a little video action. Not a super sunny day.. But such a beautiful day. Glad I came outside..
Now back to the food .. Torchy’s is actually one of my favs. Pretty good tacos, consistently. Today, I decided to go with the Democrat and street corn. Auntie had a Chicken Fajita. (cheap date) 😉
Great, now my belly is full.. (It doesn’t take much these days, but hey .. praise Jesus that I don’t have to contend with nausea. Y’all keep praying on that!) Now we are off to the movies. When we arrive to theater 10, we realize that we are literally the only movie patrons for this show. Fantastic, now we can laugh as loud as we want to! We decided to see “Like a Boss”. Some would call the movie a chic-flick, but I’d just say that it was a cute movie with a good message, albeit somewhat predictable. And hey, it was also free. (Again, thank you EM)
Today was a very good day, but I have to admit that I can see a nap in my future. 😉 I appreciate the memories that were made today. Life is about living, not sleeping it away. Whatever you are doing, make sure that you are experiencing life, and not merely existing. It’s too precious of a thing to just let pass you by. Keep smiling y’all.
“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference ”
Find a reason to smile 😊