Getting out of a rut
Yesterday wasn’t a great day but I plowed through anyway. Nothing major happened .. just a series of not so great things .. things that were beyond my control. After a full day of feeling “mehhh”, I decided that it enough was enough. What do you do when you want to feel in control? Cooking does it for me. But Dr. Shuck wouldn’t be too happy if I was in the kitchen making a full-blown Thanksgiving dinner. So I opted for something simple instead. A lemon pound cake. It came out perfectly, and I started to feel a bit better. That’s the thing about cooking. You have complete control (if you follow directions). I’ve read that cooking is recommended to counter negative behavior (like addiction) for this reason. I can see why.
Since I returned home from surgery last Thursday, I’ve been reading reading reading, Thank God for the library’s ebook rotation. (Another great recommendation from LT). At first, I was ordering books from Amazon. Getting through a book each day, I’m ashamed to tell you how much my monthly Amazon book bill was. Let’s just say that the budget is better suited for bottles of wine instead. Now, I’m downloading books on a kindle that was provided by my good friend B and Cliff. While in recovery mode, this helps to pass the time. I can be entrenched in another world without the emotional burden of their troubles. It also helps me take my mind off of my own stuff. Reading is my pressure relief valve.
At the end of the day, I told myself that this was one bad day and to leave it there. Tomorrow is a new day. A good day! I could think of three reasons why the day will be great!
I will get an update during my visit with Dr. Shuck.
I get to wear real clothes. The first day out of PJs since last Thursday!
I’m here! Through it all, I’m still here. 🙌🏽
That smile is because I actually got dressed today!
Today’s appointment went well. All good news. Lab results showed no signs of infection. And I am no longer experiencing pain post-surgery. I also got to see my stitches for the first time once Dr. Shuck removed my bandages today. I was a little apprehensive about it but it actually looks pretty good. Ironically, the stitches will leave a smaller scar than the bruise that would have remained had the area healed. Let’s just say that Dr. Shuck stitched me to the Gods! 🙌🏾 I guess that’s what should be expected from a plastic surgeon. They certainly don’t look like the stitches that Dahki got in the ER after I ran over his arm while we were bike-riding. Yeah, that happened. Another story .. a lifetime ago. Anyway, I still can’t get the area wet, so no swimming and extra careful bathing in the meantime.
Before I left the office, Dr. Shuck expanded my left breast again so I’m really feeling like lopsided Lola with a flat boob on one side and a full inflated balloon on the other side. I wonder what Sydney will say today., That child has no filter. Lol. But it’s cool. It gives me a chance to do some window shopping (admire the merchandise) before the final purchase. 😉
I left the office in such a good mood. It’s so amazing was intentional positivity will do for you. I refused to have today be like yesterday. I was in a real rut. I’m convinced that when you think positive, great things happen. Seriously, two of yesterday’s worries have already resolved themselves. I still have one more issue hanging out there but I can’t do anything about it right now. So I’m just gonna let it be.
Why stress over something that you can not control? Focus your energy on something that gives you joy instead. It will work out, one way or another …
♥️ T